Friday, March 8, 2013

Fashion Friday ~ Origami Owl style

Fashion Friday Girls! This look makes me think of spring and also makes me wonder about hot pink pants. Maybe going outside your comfort zone isn't that bad... Either way, this makes me think summer nights next to the fire with friends. AND one of my "friends" would be a big glass of white wine!! DON'T JUDGE ;) 

Friday, March 1, 2013

!! Fashion Friday ~ Origami Owl Style !!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome to my new venture !

Origami Owl is a fun and unique way to tell your personalized story through charms, lockets and dangles. It's called a Living Locket and is sweeping the country! 

I first heard of Origami Owl a couple months ago and have been obsessed since. Anyone can purchase a piece of jewelry but these "living lockets" represent you. You can switch these out as often as you like - super easy! 

And the gift potential is crazy. Mothers Day, Bridesmaid gifts, flower girl gifts, birthday, graduation, new baby, thank you, and any other special moments. 

This is a truly customizeable  piece of "you" that you'll never get bored with. Visit my page for the complete line.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Snacking Monsters

My boys will ask for snacks ALL day. This happens every day during their waking hours. Soooo annoying!! My oldest will even ask for a snack immediately after lunch. I am pretty sure this is not an isolated case of annoying little boys. So, today I decided to create a self serve snack basket for our pantry closet. I portioned out 1/2 cup amounts of snacks in small sandwich bags. You could just buy the already packaged snacks, but I find these to be more costly. Self bagging only took 5 minutes of my time. 

My Snack Rules:
1 Snack Basket Snack a day
1 fresh fruit or veggie snack 

Seems pretty fair and gives them some much wanted independence. The fruit and veggies can be an unlimited qty. But those little buggers will saw through a whole box of Teddy Grams if they could. 

Give it a try for your little Snack Monsters......