Monday, June 11, 2012

Snacking Monsters

My boys will ask for snacks ALL day. This happens every day during their waking hours. Soooo annoying!! My oldest will even ask for a snack immediately after lunch. I am pretty sure this is not an isolated case of annoying little boys. So, today I decided to create a self serve snack basket for our pantry closet. I portioned out 1/2 cup amounts of snacks in small sandwich bags. You could just buy the already packaged snacks, but I find these to be more costly. Self bagging only took 5 minutes of my time. 

My Snack Rules:
1 Snack Basket Snack a day
1 fresh fruit or veggie snack 

Seems pretty fair and gives them some much wanted independence. The fruit and veggies can be an unlimited qty. But those little buggers will saw through a whole box of Teddy Grams if they could. 

Give it a try for your little Snack Monsters...... 

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea!! and the basket!!! LOL If anyone needs some awesome baskets check out my WillowHouse online store.

    Hope you don't mind me advertising my biz.

