Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere...

After much research and read Pinterest posts, I've decided to try my hand at making my own laundry detergent.  Call my sister-in-law already did, but I like to know what is in my cleaning products. And since most companies don't disclose this information (Seventh Generation does) I am giving it a try. Here are the ingredients:

1 Bar of Fels Naptha soap (or Ivory) - grated fine
1cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
1cup of Borax
optional -15-20 drops of essential oil such as lavender 

Stir all ingredients together and you're done! Use 1-2 tablespoons per load. Crazy right? You're initial cost will be around $11 and 5 cents per load. I found to have a lot of Borax and Washing Soda left for other batches. 

After 3 loads today; it works great. 


  1. ok well here is my recipe for laundry detergent and I love it not much different from yours (plus wanted to be first post to your blog lol):

    2 cups borax 2 cups washing soap 2 cups baking soda one bar laundry soap (i use Fels naptha) you can also use ivory or zote or 123 octagon you grate soap and add in all powders and i run my thru blender 1/2tbs for front load 1tbs for top loader

  2. I also have a great recipe for dishwasher detergent works better than name brand.

    and body soap but haven't made yet

    also a great fabric softner and dishwasher rinse (like jetdry) is white vinegar

    Sorry I love saving money and making things:)
